

Department of Economics

Students Notices

1. 03/01/2025Regarding Time Table for UG/PG classes (Even Semester ) for the academic session 2024-25
2. 06/12/2022Financial Assistance to SC/ST Students for the year 2022-23
3. 24/03/2022Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accommodation for ST category (Boy) student admitted to B.A. (Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 for the session 2021-22
4. 21/03/2022Notice regarding Additional Hostel Seats of B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 and Semester-4 for the session 2021-22
5. 16/03/2022Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accommodation for SC category (Boys) student admitted to B.A. (Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 for the session 2021-22
6. 09/03/2022 Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accomodation for Students admitted to B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 for the session 2021-22 (Girls)
7. 09/03/2022 Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accomodation for Students admitted to B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 for the session 2021-22 (Boys)
8. 09/03/2022 Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accomodation for Students admitted to B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-4 for the session 2021-22 (Girls)
9. 09/03/2022Provisional Merit List for Hostel Accomodation for Students admitted to B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-4 for the session 2021-22 (Boys)
10. 08/03/2022Hostel Waiting List MA-II (Boys)
11. 08/03/2022Hostel Waiting List MA-II (Girls)
12. 07/03/2022Hostel Notice for MA
13. 07/03/2022Notice regarding Hostel Seats for B.A.(Hons.) Economics, Semester-2 and Semester-4 for the session 2021-22
14. 04/03/2022Hostel Merit MA -II (Girls)
15. 04/03/2022Hostel Merit MA -II (Boys)
16. 03/03/2022Hostel Merit MA -I (Boys)
17. 03/03/2022Hostel Merit MA -I (Girls)
18. 03/03/2022Hostel Form for MA-I & II
19. 03/03/2022Notice for UG/PG online/offline classes, Instructions, Time-Table for Even Semesters
20. 18/02/2022Mrs. & Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarship awarded on the basis merit plus financial circumstances.
21. 02/02/2022Regarding: Award of Scholarship/Assistance for the session 2021-22
22. 02/02/2022Regarding: EXTRA-MURAL ACTIVITIES SCHOLARSHIP for the session 2021-22
23. 02/02/2022Regarding Internet/Online Allowance
24. 27/01/2022Revised Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-5) - December,2021
25. 20/01/2022Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-1) - December,2021
26. 20/01/2022Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-3) - December,2021
27. 20/01/2022Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-5) - December,2021
28. 19/01/2022Provisional Admit Card for Post Graduate Examinations (Semester-III) - December, 2021
29. 19/01/2022Provisional Admit Card for Post Graduate Examinations (Semester-I) - December, 2021
30. 25/11/2021last date to submit the students’ Registration Returns along with original documents, for the session 2021-22
31. 11/11/2021circular regarding Freeship ship card
32. 06/10/2021Examination Notice
33. 16/09/2021Circular regarding scholarship of state Merit/Danga Perrit 2021-22
34. 09/04/2021Award of Alumni Stipend-S. Chandermohan Singh Memorial Award.
35. 04/03/2021Determination of eligibility for the award of Punjab State Merit Scholarship on the result of Final B.A.examination held on May, 2020.
36. 11/02/2021Date-Sheet of Practical examinations for BA (Hons.) in Economics (under CBCS)-Semester- III
37. 10/02/2021Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-1) - February,2021
38. 10/02/2021Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-5) - February,2021
39. 10/02/2021Provisional Admit Card for Under Graduate Examinations (Semester-3) - February,2021
40. 28/01/2021Date-sheet for MA Semester –I - Online Internal Assessment Test
41. 14/01/2021list of students with Roll no. M.Phil Semester-II examinations (session 2019-20)
42. 12/01/2021Datesheet for M.Phil (Semester-II), examinations for the session 2019-20
43. 11/12/2020List for Elected Members (On the basis of merit) of Economic Society for the session 2020-21.
44. 29/10/2020Registration and Migration Fees
45. 21/10/2020Schedule of Mid Semester Examinations (B.A.(Hons.)/M.A)
46. 10/08/2020Post Matric Scholarship Scheme For SC/ST Students For The Year 2020-21.

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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